Simple Signs. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Monday, May 11, 2015

Simple Signs.

I worked in a preschool for 2 years back in the day (makes me sound way too old). I was the assistant teacher in the classroom with kiddos ages 11 mo. to 20 mo. and I loved all SIXTEEN of them. I guess you could say that’s where I learned how to multitask without flaw!
Amongst other things like art exposure and physical activity I was the driving force behind teaching my kids how to use American Sign Language. At first I found myself frustrated but within a matter of months I was astonished at the success and simplicity of this practice. There is something about teaching a child the meaning of a word, and how to use it before they even know how to speak it. Not only does it do absolutely incredible things for connections in the brain but it also helps communication between mom / caregiver and baby, in turn saving both from those terrible temper tantrums.
I have found that most of the tantrums I have been a part of in class (carter obviously being too young) have been caused by the inability of the child to effectively communicate his or her needs. They get frustrated and hell, I would too! By teaching simple everyday words to the kids I was able to understand what they were needing and after they mastered their signs the tantrums were few and far between. And yes, this was with all sixteen littles.
After falling in love with signing I enrolled myself in a few classes to better understand the possibilities and learned that on average, children who used sign language alongside verbal communication while growing up scored 12 points higher on an IQ test later on in life. What more could you ask for??
Carter, AJ and I have been using sign language since Carter reached four months. Already we have seen him understanding what we are communicating to him. We don’t expect him to sign back for about two more months but he is aware of what we are trying to communicate to him and that alone has brought us as a family much closer as well as kept us all sane!
Below is a few very easy signs that you can start with. Remember make things FUN. Be REPETITIVE. ENCOURAGE your child when you see them use or understand each sign, and never stop learning!
Mom and Dad:

These are pretty obvious signs to teach at first. One of the most effective signs of communication and something that may save your sanity later on down the road! 
Please and Thank You:


We have been hitting these signs hard! Why? Because it is never too early to teach your children the importance of manners. 

More and All Done:


I have always taught these signs in conjunction with one another, the kids used and abused the “more” sign while I found myself using “all done” all day!


This sign was not only fun, but the easiest sign for me to teach. Children are always hungry it seems, imagine how much strife you can save yourself!

The best recourse for myself is always, you can find a dictionary full of words that you can pick and choose from as well as tips and tricks and answers to just about every question that you can come up with. 

Happy Singing!

– T

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