Baby Led Weaning. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Monday, May 11, 2015

Baby Led Weaning.

Baby led weaning.
So what does baby led weaning mean? It simply means no more mush!
We planted, tended to, grew, picked and pureed our sons food from the time he was four months up until month seven. It was then that I realized that he was far more interested in what it was that I was eating, rather than the mush that he was presented with. He even started protesting his purees. So I found this theory, why not just give your baby what your eating?
We piece and present his with whatever we put on our own plates and laugh at the mess it creates. But it does much more than just this, it promotes independence. He is exploring and learning with every single meal. The connections that it makes for him to do this at each meal is only furthering his development. He does not depend on the breast as much as he did in the past, however he still needs this. Since baby led weaning I have been able to comfort him in other ways rather than just succumbing to the breast.
To add to the list of benefits, he sleeps better. He maybe wakes once a night. It’s a miracle! Sleep is a breeze, he will wake himself up at night and feel confident enough in himself to roll over and put himself back to sleep. We never had to “cry – it – out”.
This also promotes YOUR health! If you are feeding your child whatever you are feeding yourself you are bound to create a healthier diet for yourself. You wouldn’t feed your seven month old a McDouble and French Fries right? I have learned and had fun researching tons of fun recipes to incorporate for me, my husband and Carter,
Eat on my friends!

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