16 weeks. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

16 weeks.

Here we are at 16 weeks little one! This week was exciting, we felt your first little flutters, everyone said they should feel like butterflies or tickle.. I may be odd but to me you feel like a goldfish swimming around. I love it! Alongside those sweet little movements every now and again, we can now feel braxton hicks contractions, boo. I'm hoping that because they are starting early this time it is a sign that my body remembers what it is doing and this time around we can go in to labor on our own, without the necessary help of medication.

Our list of names is starting to grow but we are unable to create a "favorite" and have pretty much decided that we will just have to wait to see your sweet face to decide on who you look like. Who knows, you may look unlike every name we have picked out! I go back and forth on a daily basis on whether you are a boy or a girl and am just about to give it all up because I don't have any hunch. Your surprise will just be that much more worth it in the end!

We are starting to plan the nursery that you will sleep in, and how you will share mommy and daddy's room the first few months. One thing that we want to try differently this time around is teaching more self soothing techniques, things like swaddling and a binky (if you will take it..) both are things that your brother refused to accept!

We are so excited to be getting more energy and are enjoying the blissful second trimester before we get large and in charge and so so uncomfortable. Having no aches and pains and painful baby kicks is fun but we are well aware that they are on their way and we will be seeing them sooner than we know. This pregnancy is flying by so much faster than my pregnancy with Carter, I feel like I have all the time in the world to get ready yet no time at all! For now we are happy to enjoy the little things and like the procrastinators we are.. we will save the planning and preparation for later ;)


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