I Vow. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Monday, May 11, 2015

I Vow.

I had to share our vows. Why? Because I never want to lose these little pieces of paper that they are written on, and because I think that my husband wrote the sweetest words I have ever heard and I think that they are worth sharing.
After starting with a prayer for God to guide him with strength, courage and knowledge to be the best husband and father he could be he said,
“On this day of celebration I wish to let you know that work will never come before you. These vows are written in a metaphorical sense of how I vow to dedicate all of myself to you Taylor.
My ears, attentive towards listening.
My eyes, to see your eternal beauty.
My arms and legs, the tool to provide for our family.
My mind, to be open to our evolving marriage.
My stomach, to enjoy “all” of your food, to be nourished by all of your hard work.
My feet, to be the everlasting support and balance to our family.
My mouth, never to stray from positive conversation, to remain thoroughly honest.
My hands, to always provide the hard work that has been instilled in me and to embrace you with love every day.
My heart, to always be open to fully surrender myself to you and Jesus Christ.”
This man is made of miracles.

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