I Just Want a Baby | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I Just Want a Baby


"Better give that little boy a sister!"

"Time to add a little pink to the family"

"What would you do if you never had a daughter?"

Simple. I would love my children regardless of their genitalia. In todays world we have quite the way of evaluating the 'worth' of a family unit. If a family has one boy and one girl they are considered the million dollar family and you are correct, they are blessed beyond measure. But the undo pressure of obtaining that life can be debilitating to an expecting family. 

Our first child was born and after nine long months of awaiting to find out his gender our friends and family were filled with joy to hear that he was a little boy! Our absolute dream come true! Every day since that moment has been spent in boy mom bliss - filled with lots of boo-boo's, playing cars and sweet baby boy snuggles. There truly is nothing I love more than being his mother. It was hard for me to come to the realization that we did in fact want another child since I couldn't ever imagine loving another little as much as I loved my son, and once we did we found ourselves on the road to baby number two quickly. Little did I know that it comes along with quite the pink colored burden. 

I spent the first few months chatting with people about the new addition that we were so excited about and it wasn't long before my husband and I were given the go around. It was clear that many of those around us were hoping that we brought a little baby girl into the family, so much so that we were told how disappointed they would be if our blessing had a penis. 

This is my child you are talking about, do you realize this? 

My husband and I sat and talked for a long time on how to handle the issue we were presented with. Along with it came many tears and unnecessary stress but we created the perfect response for when people ask us what we are "hoping for".

"We just want a baby"

There was nothing more true than that simple statement. We decided to add onto our family because we wanted another precious member. I don't want a girl, and I don't want a boy. I want a baby. You know.. that little thing you work and pray so hard for? I want to become a family of four, experience life with two children and give my son the blessing of a sibling to share in his adventures. Whether I remain a boy mom or get the million dollar family that society has told me is "correct" I will go to sleep each night happier than I was the day before. 

I promise you that my heart will feel no void.

And get this.. in 3 short months or less, if we give birth to a sweet baby girl our family is not finished, GASP! We will be having more children in the future and throwing off the even numbers of our family unit. Does this make us a ten million dollar family? 

Before stopping and telling a mother what you desire for her, take a minute and reflect on your words. Whatever you are about to tell her is about something that is most precious to her, the growing child inside of her is nothing short of her miracle and in a pregnant and emotional state it is so easy to ruin a special time for her. 

I don't want a girl. I don't want a boy.

I just want a baby.

- T

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