24 Weeks. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Thursday, July 16, 2015

24 Weeks.

24 weeks has arrived and we have reached the state of viability! There is something so settling knowing that without a doubt, if we go into unexpected labor everyone will do all that they can to save our sweet little one. This has always been my favorite week of pregnancy for that fact alone.

I am sure to make time each day to appreciate the stage of pregnancy that we are in as it flies by and delivery inches closer to us. The second trimester is such an easy and graceful period in time, being small enough to get things done and sleep well while not being as sick and tired as we were in the first trimester. The kicks are small and sweet and I know that soon they will get bigger.. and bigger.. and while they remain sweet they start to get painful! One thing I am praying for is a "swell free pregnancy", although I am sure that I'm doomed! With Carter my hands were so swollen that when AJ asked me to marry him my fingers could hardly fit my brand new engagement ring on, and my ankles were so incredibly swollen that we were constantly on watch for pre-eclampsia (combined with higher than normal blood pressure). As much as I would love to stay slim and small, if it is fate that I have to swell to the size of a michelin man in order to get this baby here than so be it, I'll take that small sacrifice in order to create something so much bigger than myself and my worries!

Something that I have noticed is that as each day passes I get a little more anxious and cling to Carter a little tighter. We have included him in every aspect of the pregnancy, as much as he can truly understand, and have been pushing other things aside in order to make time for our family of three while it lasts. I fear change and always have. I broke down at about 38 weeks pregnant while out on a date with AJ over the fact that we were about to have a baby and not have time for each other any more.. and look at us now. Now I think those fears were so silly because Carter has only made our lives so much more beautiful. So I rest on that, this baby will change things, things will never be like they are right now but life will be so much more beautiful.

16 weeks until we kiss your sweet face and meet the little toes that worked so hard on kicking away. You are loved sweet little one.


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