6 Tips to Survive Sickness as a Mom. | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

6 Tips to Survive Sickness as a Mom.

Being a mom is hard enough work, with all the dishes, laundry, snuggles, tears, tantrums, schedules, cooking.. you get my point. So when life decides to play a cruel trick on us moms, called getting sick, we lose a little bit of our "mom flow". Let me tell you, I am no motherhood unicorn! When Carter gets sick I know without hesitation that my day is on its way and I just need to wait out until the worst hits. Growing up somehow my mom was always on the forefront of our sicknesses and always avoided getting sick herself.. how? I am sorry to tell you that I have no idea. Some of us just get sick. All the vitamins and preventative tricks in the world won't save my sick and sorry butt! So what do we do when we still have little ones who depend on us for everything, a home that needs tending to and sanity we would enjoy keeping? Here are a few tips and tricks for the sick momma bear.

*I am no doctor. These are simply little things that help me get through my sick days. They are probably not a cure all for everyone!

1. Blow it Up!
This requires a little attention before hand in the world of baby proofing, but trust me, if you put in the effort you will thank yourself later. Many of you have seen me lounging on our blow up mattress on the worst of days with this pregnancy (i.e. morning, afternoon and night sickness..) while letting Carter run around and play around me.. and let me tell you, it is heaven. We went through our home and baby proofed everything that you could think of JUST for moments like this. Wether its a cold or morning sickness, if you have little ones who are old enough to be running around there is no way to stop them so bask in it. Blow up your air mattress and lay it down in whatever room your kiddos desire to be in and get the rest your body so badly needs all while knowing that your children are in a safe environment. Hint hint.. they may even come snuggle with you which makes all those sick bugs just disappear! If even for a moment!

2. Fluids
Water. Water, water, water, water, water... and water. I know my parents used to force water down me when I was sick and I thought it was ridiculous. However, when I have a family to tend to it becomes a life saver. Without fail fluids will get me feeling better much faster than I would on my own without them!

3. Essential Oils
These gems have become a staple in our home, we use them for everything! Making our home smell fresh, cleaning supplies, cloth wipe solution, bumps, bruises, headaches and sickness! Be sure to do the adequate research on what oils to use and how to properly use them before applying anything into your life. I used to be skeptical about the "magical oil powers" and was finally convinced to try them and haven't so much as looked back since. Being able to replace all the chemicals and medicine in our home with solutions that I know are beneficial and safe for our family is such a beautiful reward in itself!
*feel free to email us for any questions*

4. Comfy Socks, Comfy Blanket, Comfy Sweater
Is there science behind this? No clue. What I do know is that I feel 300x better when I take a few moments to make myself comfortable. You're already uncomfortable enough being sick as it is, doing simple little things can easily pick up your mood and ease you onto the road to recovery! Heck.. if your most comfortable naked then be naked my friends!

5. Food Prep
For the most part I can always feel when I am going to be sick. If my son doesn't get sick first and let me know that the tornado is on it's way I am usually warned with symptoms the day before it unleashes itself. While this might be the last thing you want to do, it is one of the smartest things I have to offer. Having ready made food for myself and my son makes it easy to get us through the day with as little effort as possible, and trust me.. you will want to move as little as possible.

6. Don't be Afraid
Never be afraid to ask for help! If you are lucky to live close to family or friends or you wind up sick on your husbands day off, ask them for help with your littles to let you recover. Chances are they will be more than willing to help out and then you have time to focus on nothing but getting yourself better. No one is going to think less of you for needing assistance. It happens, we all get ill, we all need a little love sometimes!

In the meantime, if we aren't sick now I can promise you.. we all will be at some point yet again. Until then lets be preventative when ever possible. Wash your hands, eat healthy, wipe those nasty grocery carts and ask people to stay a fair distance if they are visibly ill. Regardless those bugs still find their ways into our lives and when that happens hopefully you have 6 new ways of incorporating peace and healing into your sickness routines. Feel better mommas!


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