Tuesday, June 30, 2015
6 Tips to Survive Sickness as a Mom.
Being a mom is hard enough work, with all the dishes, laundry, snuggles, tears, tantrums, schedules, cooking.. you get my point. So when life decides to play a cruel trick on us moms, called getting sick, we lose a little bit of our "mom flow". Let me tell you, I am no motherhood unicorn! When Carter gets sick I know without hesitation that my day is on its way and I just need to wait out until the worst hits. Growing up somehow my mom was always on the forefront of our sicknesses and always avoided getting sick herself.. how? I am sorry to tell you that I have no idea. Some of us just get sick. All the vitamins and preventative tricks in the world won't save my sick and sorry butt! So what do we do when we still have little ones who depend on us for everything, a home that needs tending to and sanity we would enjoy keeping? Here are a few tips and tricks for the sick momma bear.
*I am no doctor. These are simply little things that help me get through my sick days. They are probably not a cure all for everyone!
1. Blow it Up!
This requires a little attention before hand in the world of baby proofing, but trust me, if you put in the effort you will thank yourself later. Many of you have seen me lounging on our blow up mattress on the worst of days with this pregnancy (i.e. morning, afternoon and night sickness..) while letting Carter run around and play around me.. and let me tell you, it is heaven. We went through our home and baby proofed everything that you could think of JUST for moments like this. Wether its a cold or morning sickness, if you have little ones who are old enough to be running around there is no way to stop them so bask in it. Blow up your air mattress and lay it down in whatever room your kiddos desire to be in and get the rest your body so badly needs all while knowing that your children are in a safe environment. Hint hint.. they may even come snuggle with you which makes all those sick bugs just disappear! If even for a moment!
2. Fluids
Water. Water, water, water, water, water... and water. I know my parents used to force water down me when I was sick and I thought it was ridiculous. However, when I have a family to tend to it becomes a life saver. Without fail fluids will get me feeling better much faster than I would on my own without them!
3. Essential Oils
These gems have become a staple in our home, we use them for everything! Making our home smell fresh, cleaning supplies, cloth wipe solution, bumps, bruises, headaches and sickness! Be sure to do the adequate research on what oils to use and how to properly use them before applying anything into your life. I used to be skeptical about the "magical oil powers" and was finally convinced to try them and haven't so much as looked back since. Being able to replace all the chemicals and medicine in our home with solutions that I know are beneficial and safe for our family is such a beautiful reward in itself!
*feel free to email us for any questions*
4. Comfy Socks, Comfy Blanket, Comfy Sweater
Is there science behind this? No clue. What I do know is that I feel 300x better when I take a few moments to make myself comfortable. You're already uncomfortable enough being sick as it is, doing simple little things can easily pick up your mood and ease you onto the road to recovery! Heck.. if your most comfortable naked then be naked my friends!
5. Food Prep
For the most part I can always feel when I am going to be sick. If my son doesn't get sick first and let me know that the tornado is on it's way I am usually warned with symptoms the day before it unleashes itself. While this might be the last thing you want to do, it is one of the smartest things I have to offer. Having ready made food for myself and my son makes it easy to get us through the day with as little effort as possible, and trust me.. you will want to move as little as possible.
6. Don't be Afraid
Never be afraid to ask for help! If you are lucky to live close to family or friends or you wind up sick on your husbands day off, ask them for help with your littles to let you recover. Chances are they will be more than willing to help out and then you have time to focus on nothing but getting yourself better. No one is going to think less of you for needing assistance. It happens, we all get ill, we all need a little love sometimes!
In the meantime, if we aren't sick now I can promise you.. we all will be at some point yet again. Until then lets be preventative when ever possible. Wash your hands, eat healthy, wipe those nasty grocery carts and ask people to stay a fair distance if they are visibly ill. Regardless those bugs still find their ways into our lives and when that happens hopefully you have 6 new ways of incorporating peace and healing into your sickness routines. Feel better mommas!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
My Marriage Comes 'Before' my Children.
This is one of "those" posts. One that you have to read from beginning to end before truly understanding, and one that many people will disagree with, and it won't apply to everyone's lives the same way it applies to our own! However it is something that I am very passionate about.. truly my marriage is what I am most passionate about in my life. If anyone were ever to ask me who comes first in my life, what comes first or what is most important the go to answer for most is there children. And yes, I am with my babies so much more than I am with my husband, they rely on me more than my husband does and require more of my attention than my husband (sometimes..) but my marriage comes 'before' my children.
I would've never imagined myself saying something like that. From the moment we found out we were expecting Carter my life started to revolve entirely around him. AJ and I were lucky that our local church offered marriage classes they offered to engaged couples before their wedding day, we kind of laughed at the idea at first when is was mentioned to us and decided to go because it was something that was recommended, heck both of our parents did it before us and they have beautiful marriages so it couldn't hurt. It wasn't before long that we had a week focused on the idea of family and what that meant to us, and that is where we were asked..
"What comes first in your life?"
Neither AJ or I hesitated to say it was the growing baby in my belly! We smiled and were proud, and out of no where we were hit with a giant brick wall.. we were told we were wrong?! What do you mean I am wrong? The words that followed have stuck with my husband and I, they permanently left an imprint on our souls and completely defined our marriage.
My children are here because of the love I share with my husband. Every little life decision we make for our children we will make as a married couple. The foundation that we set in our marriage will be the guidelines of which our children will use to find their own happily ever after's. If we didn't put our marriage first, then what stable grounds do we have left for parenting? I want my kids to see that the love their parents have for each other is unbreakable, I want them to watch us and see inspiration and feel safe in the arms of our family. We are their foundation, their home base, their safe haven.
I want them to grow up searching for the love they they saw between their mom and dad. I want them to see that sometimes it's hard, but without fail we never give up and it will always get better. I want my husband and I to be able to make decisions for our family as one, and together we can make our lives as beautiful as possible. Without putting my husband and our marriage first none of this would be possible. Marriage is the most self sacrificing thing I have ever had to do, it is so much harder than having children. It is a life long commitment that I made and I work on it every single day and I am far from perfect. I am learning about AJ as every day goes by, and in turn he is teaching me about myself. We don't give 50/50, its always 100% even when I don't want to.
My children will always be taken care of, loved beyond belief, cherished and celebrated. I love my family unconditionally and putting my marriage first doesn't change that, it only helps our love grow stronger. So yes, my marriage comes before my children, because without it we would be nothing, we wouldn't be where we are today. Marriage is the happiest contract I have ever entered into, with the most work implied behind each and every promise, and something that my husband and I take with the upmost sincerity. So thank you AJ, for helping me create this beautiful life, and even more beautiful - the foundation upon which we create and raise our family. "I do" every single day, I still do, and I always will.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
21 Weeks.
21 years old, 21 weeks pregnant and 21 more reasons to smile! As the weeks pass Carter seems to get more and more interested in what is going on with mommy. He has always kissed and loved on his "bebe" but until now thats as much as he seems to be interested in the idea. Now that mommy is getting noticeably larger he seems to be a little confused and searching for answers.. he has tried to give my belly medicine, cover it with a blanket playing peek-a-boo to see if it disappears and laying all over it in every direction to see if it can go away. Sorry little man but you haven't seen anything yet.. prepare yourself!
This week I did a lot of reflecting on the parent that I desire to be to both of my kids. How I want to show them that I love them all while keeping their best interests in mind. One of the hardest parts of parenthood for me to grasp is the realization that I DO want to be my kids best friend, I will try as hard as I possibly can.. but I am there parent before anything. As Carter gets older and I have to steer him away from things that could harm him while he gets upset, I am learning just what is means to be a parent before a friend. So I wanted to write an apology to my children, so that in the future when they are upset with me they know just why I do what it is that I have to do:
Little Ones,
I am sorry.
I am sorry for saying no, saying not now, and saying not ever.
I am sorry for leaving too soon or deciding not to go in the first place.
I am sorry for telling you I'm uncomfortable with ideas, friends, and places.
I am sorry for hurting your feelings.
What you don't see is that I'm not sorry for keeping you safe.
I'm not sorry for steering you towards successes and carrying you through your failures.
I'm not sorry for loving you beyond what you can comprehend and sometimes loving you a little too much.
I do all that I do for you, not for myself, because without you my life has no purpose.
Making you upset with me breaks my heart although you may not see it.
Behind closed doors I ache for you, because I have been there too.
I'm never sorry for being a mother, a mother I should always be.
A mother I will always be.
But I am sorry that you are upset with me.
As must as you want me to tell you it won't happen again,
I can promise you that it will.
For as long as I live I want to see you happy, healthy and thriving.
I want this world to see how much you mean to me, and everything that you are capable of.
So forgive my harsh words and high tone.
I am busy loving in the deepest of ways.
Parenting while in these young stages can seem blissful and ever-easy, however we are only just getting started. I am learning as I go, without a clue as to what I do next. Someday I will be raising young children, then teenagers, and then my adults will be raising their own. It is my job to get them there, and get them there safely, and that involves hurt on both ends. I'm not looking forward to the days when I have to be the "bad guy" or "that mom".. I don't ever want to be name shamed. But I have to be. We all do. All I know now is that I will love them through it all, that will never change. So embrace these tiny, easy moments and look forward to the changes yet to come.
Happy 21 weeks my littlest love, we love you so dearly, even in the hardest of ways.
| Banner : @littledovie | littledovie.com |
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Journey to Complete Cloth.
We have used cloth diapers on Carter since he was 6 months old, after we ran out of our disposable stash. Off the bat we had issues wearing pampers and were knowledgable of the fact that some babies bums will like certain brands and others won't be able to tolerate it. He was on a strong antibiotic ointment for a severe rash for the first three weeks of his life and we quickly changed out his pampers to huggies and were happy from there. The choice to switch to cloth was (at first) geared towards the fact that we were moving away from everything that we knew, moving into a much more expensive home in a more expensive state to a new job for my husband and since I was home I felt like this was one small thing that I could do to help out in a big way. Shortly after switching we grew fond of the process and began to fall in love!
We never "hated" disposable because we had never had a problem with them! We would still use them if Carter was ever being watched by friends or family for their convenience and ease and on long trips. One evening we put Carter in some huggies and headed to the play gym with a few friends of ours. About three hours later we arrive home and start our bed time routine when AJ calls me urgently into Carters room. What we saw was horrendous.. our son was burned in all of the areas where the elastics of the diaper touched his bum. He had blisters and peeling skin, and was screaming at the touch. How could this happen when we had been using this all of his life? It was in that moment that we vowed to make a very permanent change, for any of our children, there was no way I could see this happen again. Now, nearly a month later, Carter still has two small open wounds from the burn he received on his bum from the diaper but thankfully they are healing wonderfully. We are praying there will be no scaring left behind.
A diaper.. a diaper made for my child hurt him. To this day I am unsure if huggies had changed anything about their diaper formulas or the way they were made or maybe we bought the wrong batch. But after reaching out to a sweet friend from The Sparrow Collective desperate for help (knowing that I, myself am far from a sewing pro) in making cloth wipes she graciously made us a plenty and now we are able to rest easy knowing that everything that goes in and on our children is monitored and carefully thought through.
The Sparrow Collective, a wonderful kids clothing and teepee shop, beautifully sewed us 20 wipes perfectly sized to fit inside a box of wipes and if that wasn't impressive enough she included a bag of goodies from her favorite shops and fun little work sheets for our son! But don't think that we are anyone special, this is included in EVERY order that she sends out. We cannot thank The Sparrow Collective enough for the peace of mind we were given through this seemingly small item.
Cloth Diaper Solution (what we use on them):
- 2 cups of Purified Water
- 2 tsp Castille Soap
- 2 tbsp Coconut Oil
- A few drops of Tea Tree & Frankincense or Lavender Essential Oils
- Combine all ingredients
- Soak wipes in solution
- Ring out the wipes and put into wipe box
- Use wipes as needed, add to wet bag with diapers after use (use diaper sprayer when needed)
- Wash with cloth diapers
We couldn't be any more excited to have switched over entirely to the process of cloth and can't wait to see all the benefits that it unfolds for our sweet kiddos. If you have more questions please feel free to shoot us a message HERE!
Happy Bums to Everyone!
| Special thanks to Kids Clothing and TeePee shop @Sparrow_Collective |
Monday, June 22, 2015
No matter the choices in your life there will be naysayers, nonbelievers, and negative nancy's. I've made lots of choices in my life that I know plenty around me would never dream of making, and that's okay. I have seen others make choices that I would never make, but never would I insinuate they were in the wrong for choosing what was best for them. Often times I find it hard to keep my mouth shut but all I have to do is put on my favorite Kacey Musgraves song and be reminded that we all should mind our own biscuits.
Today I was approached at the pool while playing with my son and asked several questions. Now understand, I think asking questions about someones lifestyle is a great way to get a glimpse into another side of a story that you may not be familiar with, but there is a point where you over step your boundaries. Asking me if I am on welfare or government assistance because I have a young family and couldn't possibly afford otherwise.. that's too far. Asking me how far I got through school before having to 'drop out' when becoming pregnant so young, then learning I am less than a year from my bachelors and will be moving forth with law school post college.. you look like a fool. Asking me if my parents are still a part of my life after having my son out of wedlock, well you're only asking for a rude awakening.
Let me say this. My children are loved, our mouths are well fed, we don't depend on anyone but each other for the things that we need, both my husband and I are college educated and will continue to attend school until we feel out educational minds are filled, we have a roof over our heads and we have the judgements of those who assume otherwise to laugh at. Before assuming anything, about anyone regardless of the situation just read yourselves these lyrics. We are all human.
Taking down your neighbour won't take you any higher
I burned my own damn finger poking someone else's fire
I've never gotten taller making someone else feel small
If you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say nothing at all
Just hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Nobody's perfect, we've all lost and we've all lied
Most of us have cheated the rest of us have tried
The holiest of the holy even slip from time to time
We've all got dirty laundry hanging on the line
So hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Pouring salt in my sugar won't make yours any
Pissing in my yard ain't gonna make yours any greener
I wouldn't know about the rocks in your shoes
So I'll just do me and honey you can just do you
So hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
I burned my own damn finger poking someone else's fire
I've never gotten taller making someone else feel small
If you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say nothing at all
Just hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Nobody's perfect, we've all lost and we've all lied
Most of us have cheated the rest of us have tried
The holiest of the holy even slip from time to time
We've all got dirty laundry hanging on the line
So hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Pouring salt in my sugar won't make yours any
Pissing in my yard ain't gonna make yours any greener
I wouldn't know about the rocks in your shoes
So I'll just do me and honey you can just do you
So hoe your own row and raise your own babies
Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies
Mend your own fences and own your own crazy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy
Lets all rejoice in the journey we are on.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Pregnancy Confessions. Ft. Hello Apparel
Is there truly a better shirt in existence? The answer is no. Hello Apparel most definitely had a pregnant mommas feelings in mind when creating this one of a kind t-shirt. I'm 20 weeks.. and I think I say this to myself on a daily basis, lord help me once we reach our third trimester. Not only is our shirt insanely soft, the shipping time was absolutely incredible and the size is just as stated on the website. I find that somehow when online shopping I end up with the wrong fit even after measuring myself and going by a shops sizing chart, for this shirt to be so true to it's size is a miracle especially being made for maternity (i.e. the hardest 9 months to decipher size ever).
In honor of our favorite pregnancy wardrobe addition, I thought it would be a perfect time for some Pregnancy Confessions. This being my second baby I have found myself unintentionally more relaxed than I was when I was pregnant with Carter. I was constantly googling everything that was going on as well as everything that could go wrong and basically put myself into a big pregnant bubble. A second pregnancy is no "excuse" to do things that you shouldn't but lets face it.. we all goof every once in a while. Here are just a few of my mishaps and cruel pregnancy tricks I've played thus far:
You heard me. I need my cup of coffee each and every morning to keep me going. Without it I simply cannot make it through my day giving my toddler the attention that he needs! In my first trimester I was so turned off to the idea of coffee, the craving didn't come back around until about 14 weeks. But every morning since I have indulged in a cup while Carter eats breakfast and our bun in the oven bounces around.
So pretty early on in pregnancy I thought it would be a good idea to teach Carter that the BEST place to drive his cars was on mommy's back.. therefor getting random 30 minute massages throughout my day! Someday he will catch on but I have no shame in continuing this path for as long as he will take it.
Blow Up Mattress
The first trimester can be so difficult. Our first trimester was absolutely terrible, I had never been so sick and tired in my life. So what was our cure all? Blowing up the air mattress in Carters 100% baby proof room, flipping on endless sesame street, supplying him with toys and napping my days away on the floor (getting up to be sick periodically). Truly there was no other way I would've been able to know that Carter was in a safe environment while getting the rest my body begged for!
Cool Whip
As many of you know, I have had a thing for strawberries this pregnancy.. a "thing" to say the least. We should buy stock in strawberries. For months I went through two boxes a day and wanted to eat nothing else. AJ brought home some whip cream during one of his shopping trips and that's when it all started. I confess that since then I have had strawberries covered in whip cream all the time. And every time.. I tell myself it's the last time. I'm lying to myself and I know it.
While I do in fact feel so pregnant I remain aware that we still have a long road ahead of us in which I will only get more.. and more pregnant. This will not be the last you see of this shirt, but if there is one thing that keeps us all going it is the excitement of bringing these new tiny people into our world. There simply is nothing better, SO pregnant or not.
| Shirt by : @helloapparel | Find the shirt at hellomerch.com by clicking HERE |
Friday, June 19, 2015
20 Weeks. Half Way!
Half way done little one! This week brought on a whole new set of challenges as well as a whole lot of love. I remember having some minor pelvic pain while pregnant with Carter, but nothing like this. I've had to whip out the pregnancy belt a few times to use as support all though I am far from as large as I was when I started using it with Carter. We have also gotten a sudden lack of energy and I will happily admit to stealing Carter during naps, taking him to my room and napping together for nearly 3 hours each day, much needed and thank goodness I have such a cuddly little boy to snuggle with.
They say that you are always bigger with your second child and I certainly feel that way, however when I was pregnant with Carter I had already gained 20 pounds at 20 weeks where as I still haven't gained a pound thus far! I am carrying much higher than I was with Carter which is adding to the sensation that I am larger. Seeing all the differences between the pregnancies makes me smile, everyone always says that each pregnancy is different but never in my life could I have imagined them being SO polar opposite. It will be fun to see the differences in personalities between my kiddos as well.
(Left : 20 weeks with Carter | Right : 20 weeks with Henry or Poppy)
Something that I wanted to share that I feel goes untalked about was pregnancy insecurities. Let's face it, we all have them. Pregnancy is life's most beautiful process yet sometimes it can be hard for us to feel like that is the case. I teamed up with some of everyone's favorite Instagram mothers who are also expecting to discuss their own individual insecurities as well as my own:
JuJu (@keepingupwithjuju_)
"My biggest insecurity being pregnant is showing so soon. Having people give me looks and making remarks on how big I am. To explain to every person that I've has twins and my uterus is just stretched out from them is exhausting and honestly, kinda weird. Instead of worrying about strangers and what they say, I just smile and nod back at them with their remarks and say thank you. There should be a law for us pregnant woman, to never be allowed to make any remarks while a woman is pregnant. All you're allowed to say is, "congrats" or "you're awesome!" I know deep down in my heart how proud I am, and how proud we should all be. We carry humans in our bodies. Nothing beats that. No matter how small or big we get.
Brenna (@lifewithaustinandemelia)
My biggest pregnancy insecurity would be getting bigger not necessarily by gaining weight but by just having my stomach get big. I've always struggled with how I look and to have my stomach get big and my clothes not fit always makes me insecure. How I manage to get over them is by knowing my body's growing an amazing little child that some women would die to be able to do. And it's only for 9 months and then my body will be back to normal!
Jewel (@thecomoclan)
I'm on my 5th pregnancy, and each has been different in many ways. So when thinking about some of my pregnancy insecurities it's hard for me to narrow down one or even two specific ones because they were different every time. I remember being so dismayed with how many stretch marks I got while pregnant with Aiden, and worrying about how much extra weight I gained with Brandon. With every pregnancy, though, one very big insecurity has loomed bigger and scarier and become quite the mountain in my mind. It's an emotional insecurity that's rooted in my physical ones. Along with the whole gaining weight, stretch marks, and shrinking boobs, with every pregnancy I feel more emotionally burdened about how the physical changes each pregnancy puts me through changes the way my husband sees me, and consequently our relationship. It's very obvious that 5 pregnancies will change a body, but when all those changes result in something so drastically different from the 'original model' so to speak, is what is left enough to keep us not only together, but growing closer as a couple and family? My husband has never brought up the issue of 'stretch marks' or 'my fat' and he is the sweetest, most caring, supportive and attentive partner through the roughs of our pregnancies (they seem to get rougher physically every time). But it's something that as my body declines my mind cannot put away. In a way it is me putting unrealistic expectations and demands on myself. It's something that I may struggle with for a while until I have the chance to whip my butt back into shape after this baby. I don't know if I will ever completely get 'over it' but I hope that eventually with hard work, and lots of love, I will be able to feel confident again not only physically but emotionally as well. It's about learning to trust in my husband and believe that it isn't only the physical aspects of a person that makes someone love someone, but their spirit, or soul. And that what we had (not to mention 4 gorgeous angels with us now) will continue to blossom and grow and be the foundation of our loving family.
Myself (@dirtydiaperdiaries)
My biggest insecurity is without a doubt how young I look. On a good day I look maybe 18 years old, on a typical trip to the grocery store without getting myself ready I will look about 17 or younger. Seeing the way that people look at me with my son and growing belly is heart breaking. To sit an watch them flip through a story they've made up about me in their heads always gets me going, because I know where they think I am in my life. A handful of times I have stopped to tell them how I feel about their looks and they leave dumbfounded that I am in fact 21, married, educated and successful. When I was pregnant with Carter I went on a hospital tour with my mother and we learned that our hospital offered large double beds for AJ and I to sleep on together during our stay. While we were busy admiring this, a nurse walked up to us telling us to move on with the tour because they don't offer the double bed to minors.. I was no minor. The story still gets to me today. I hate that I look so young, I'm so tired of hearing about how much I will enjoy it later in life because I am not there yet. My kids are getting judged by the face of their mother. It gets to me so much that I try not to go many places without AJ to avoid the judgement. However, that's all that it is. Poor judgement. Walking with my head held high and not bothering to look at those around me is my cure. I am proud of my family, I am proud of our situation, I wouldn't live my life any different and the assumptions of those I will never care about don't matter.
Every pregnancy comes with great joys and big mountains that we must get over. None of us are alone, we all have soft spots. But regardless of how we feel during the experience we all come out with the same prize, beautiful new humans that we are able to love for the rest of our lives. I know that I can speak for us all when saying no matter the stretch marks, the weight gain, the body image, or the looks from strangers.. these tiny little humans are worth it all.
Happy 20 weeks little Henry or Pennelope. We love you so dearly.
| Banner : @littledovie | littledovie.com |
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Coco Striped Bamboo Blanket.
Do we love swaddles? Yes. Is there ever such a thing as "enough swaddles"? No. Here is another pre-baby must have by the wonderful Max + Moose featuring their Striped Bamboo Blanket made from extremely soft, high quality bamboo cotton. This 36"x36" handmade swaddle is extremely stretchy which is one of the things that we look for in a swaddle!
I remember attending a course shortly after Carter was born based around the entire idea of swaddling and it's frivolous technique, it is no easy task and no one had explained it to me there for we weren't able to swaddle Carter to his liking. In this course the woman could not stress enough to find a breathable and stretchy fabric to make your lives much easier, and no sooner than that were we able to swaddle Carter with ease! The stretch of the fabric allowed us to wrap him as tightly as he wanted to be wrapped while allowing him a little room to wiggle without coming out of the swaddle itself. This minor change in the fabric that we used is what saved our swaddling lives.
Being so lightweight the Bamboo Blanket makes for a breathable swaddle, which for my kids is necessary. I am the kind of person who sleeps with all of the covers on no matter what time of the year with no better reason other than "just because". My husband and son however are far from similar, they overheat and sweat so easily that they can quickly turn their night upside-down if they get too hot. You get too warm and then sweat and then become cold, talk about a vicious cycle. We found that no matter the time of the year, Carter slept better when swaddled up in a lightweight fabric that allowed a decent airflow, if it was cooler outside or in the house we were able to bundle him in warmer clothes underneath.
I cannot wait to use this swaddle on our little Miss Poppy or Mister Henry, and because I love it so dearly, I wan't you all to bask in this swaddle glory alongside me by offering you a code for 10% off! Use code "MOOSE10" to redeem at checkout, the code will be active through June 29th only. Can't wait to hear your swaddle success!
| Featuring the Coco + Cream Striped Bamboo Blanket | Find it and more by clicking HERE | maxandmoose.com |
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Enhance your Eyes.
Just popping in with a quick and easy editing blog that focuses in on making the eyes in a photo stand out. The key to getting your eyes to pop is having a tool that allows you to make adjustments to ONLY the eyes, instead of brightening or sharpening the entire image we want to be able to do this to just the color in your eyes. Explore a wide variety of apps, this is much easier on a platform like Lightroom (what I use) or Photoshop but I can promise you.. There's an app for that! There's an app for everything!
This is the image we started with:
As usual, start with the exposure (brightness) of your photo. Having a bold bright photo will make your page stand out much more than if you have under exposed or dull images. If you feel like it is almost too bright, that's where you should be! Knowing the difference between bold and bright and over exposed, making you look washed out, is key.
Making your photo look professional without needing the help of an actual professional is always an added benefit. In order to accomplished the professional "airbrushed" look you want to bump up the sharpness of the photo, this is where you draw out every line and detail in a photo. Sharpening a photo that is taken with a phone can do WONDERS for the quality. But be sure to use your sharpening tool with caution, oversharpening will make your photo look "noisy" where the photo gets fuzzy creating the opposite of what you wanted in the first place. For every little bit you sharpen, use the softening tool about half as much.
(Image after sharpening 100% and softening 50%)
Now the fun part, adding color to the eyes! We are not changing the color in the eyes, we are bringing out colors that are already present but the camera did not have the ability to capture. THIS is what makes paying for photos so very expensive. Getting our eyes to pop is one of the things that we can do to make a portrait worth so much more money. Start by evening out the light in both eyes, Carters right eye is much darker than the left based on his position from the light source (the sun through the window), so I selected that eye and added some exposure.
After you feel that both eyes look the same in brightness select both eyes and bump up the saturation by a bit, adding too much saturation can make them look unnatural. We want big, bold, wow factor eyes but want to avoid them looking fake and having that take away from the photo itself. Keep them as natural as possible.
(the purple is not the saturation, it is to show you the part of the eye that we selected)
This is then the finished product! A good picture made fantastic that took less than thirty seconds of my time. Small details can make a big difference!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Ultrasound Oops.
(WARNING: You must read from start to finish before becoming too excited about anything. As promised the story will either make you laugh or want to rip your hair out. Reader discretion is advised.)
My husband and I get called crazy all the time for wishing to keep the gender a secret. Truth is, I thought my husband was a big ol' basket of crazy when he told me he didn't want to know what Carter was. I said that there was no way that I was okay with it and there was no way it was going to happen. It didn't take me long to change my mind after seeing how much it meant to my husband, there are lots of sacrifices and choices that we make in a marriage and this was our first one. It was the first time that AJ had told me something that he wanted to do for our first born child, it was his first fatherly decisions and I declined it. What I did know is that I loved this man with every inch of my being and I would do anything for him, and so I agreed. The weeks passed and truly it never got unbearable, we were always just super excited to meet this little person and when the time came it was truly as if time stood still. There is no comparable moment to meeting your child and being told what you've been waiting so so long for. After I got to experience this moment I craved it.. I am an absolute addict to this sweet surprise so it was a no brainer that we would yet again wait to find out the gender of our second child.
The night before our ultrasound with our second child, I dreamed that I saw the gender on the screen. I woke up scared and ready to go into this letting everyone know exactly what the plan was and was going to avoid this at all costs. But believe me.. dreams do come true. Not too long into our ultrasound our sweet and wonderful technician made an oops and there it was.. a straight potty shot right in front of my face as if I was reliving my dream.
Three bright bold white little lines stared me right in the face.
The fact that I saw the parts of my precious little Poppy girl was so much more shocking to me than the fact that I was actually pregnant with a girl in the first place. For some reason, after having Carter I felt as if I was simply a boy mom. A boy making machine. I was incapable of creating a little girl, it was just something that my body didn't do! The tech saw me see Pennelope's parts and also was highly concerned as I turned a horrible shade of white and had to keep asking me how I was feeling.. well.. I was certainly surprised! After the incident the tech was a little less careful and I saw what I think I saw again a few more times at a glance. She never announced it to me because she knew my husband couldn't understand what he was looking at and thank goodness because I wanted the surprise to remain real for him.
The tech left the room and it was eerily silent. AJ knew that I saw something and insisted that I share it with him. I refused because I wanted to hold onto as much of the surprise as possible! It was the most awkward moment of being overjoyed yet sad that I felt as if my surprise was ruined in some way. I spent those quite moments thinking back to Carters birth and reliving the experience and realizing that I was wrong.. it wasn't my surprise that I craved. It was AJ's. I made sure the entire room was silent as our first born was brought into the world and wanted AJ to announce what it was we had waiting so long for. Seeing him start to cry and share that it was the little boy we had been dreaming of and witnessing him become a father was everything that I needed. THAT was the surprise I craved. My surprise was far from ruined!
The day went on and AJ left for work, I spent all day googling girl ultrasound photos and was certain that I saw correctly although the tech didn't include any potty shots to send home with us for me to look back and make sure. That evening AJ came home bursting through the front door saying "Taylor you can just tell me, I saw it too it's okay it wasn't your fault!!" I wasn't sure what he was saying he saw so I insisted over and over again that he share with me what gender he thought our baby was and I knew exactly what was coming..
"The baby has a penis!!"
A what.. the baby has a what??! I started laughing uncontrollably as he begged me to tell him what was going on, I shared that there was no penis that I was aware of and we sat and fought back and forth. Both of us just KNOWING that we saw what we saw and being 100% certain of our genders.
So here we are again.. left entirely confused yet never more sure of anything in our lives. To me we are having a little girl, to AJ it is absolutely another little baby boy. One of us is right we know that much, but God has a great sense of humor and was able to give me back some of the surprise that I thought had been stripped away from me. No more ultrasounds, no more opportunities, just a constant battle for the next 20 weeks as we both gear up to fight to be right. I keep reminding him that we both "swung" for a boy at conception, a boy is what we thought would fit best and so clearly it was a big deal that I was admitting to it being a girl. I kept telling him that the umbilical chord can play mind games and that when he said he saw a penis we were focused on the belly not the butt.. but NO, he saw a penis without a doubt.
AJ.. let me just say this. I love you. But I do not lose. Bets will be made, you will lose and all at the same time we will be overjoyed at the birth of our newest little one and will BOTH be just as surprised and happy as ever. Visit our instagram and let us know, are you thinking we will be meeting #misspoppy or #misterhenry and prepare to endure this long hilarious wait with us!
Bring it on Hubbs.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
19 Week and Final Ultrasound.
Bright and early this morning we forced Carter out of bed and headed to our anatomy scan! The night before we get to see you I always lose sleep, I can't help but be overly excited to see how much you have grown. It was so fun watching you jump and squirm and avoid all the measurements all together.. you are still just as stubborn as you have always been and it not only makes me laugh.. it makes me very terrified as to the spit ball of a child we are creating! Something knew this ultrasound was being able to see your sweet little face, technology is amazing in allowing us to see every bit of you from head to toe and if you can keep it a secret, your daddy teared up a bit.
This week we have been feeling exceptionally amazing! I have had some odd middle of pregnancy burst of energy but that has allowed our home to become absolutely spotless as I obsessively clean every inch of this place. I have had somewhat of a harder time staying awake come 4 p.m. so I find myself going and laying in Carters big daybed and snoozing while he plays right there in his room with me. The past few days he has crawled into bed with me and I am certainly not complaining about the extra snuggles!
We have been working with Carter on saying Henry and Pennelope (both of which are terribly hard for any young child to manage to say, let alone a 16 month old!) and while he can't say either of them his responses have made us laugh! Each time we ask him to say Henry he responds by pointing to his head.. convinced we are asking him where his head is. Close but not quite Carter. When we ask him to say Pennelope he responds with "Poppppyyyyy!" so as fate will have it AJ and I now call the baby Henry and Poppy!
Next week is a big milestone in the pregnancy and a rather scary one at that. I cannot believe how insanely fast this pregnancy has flown by and every time I try to wrap my head around the fact that in about 10 more weeks we will reach 30 weeks I have to sit down and grasp that for a moment. There are so many things that I want to do before the baby arrives, things I want to go cherish with my son as my only child and so so much sleeping I want to get accomplished before that goes down the drain again. Despite the fast pace we find ourselves more and more eager to meet this little one each day, as daddy starts to feel the kicks everything really starts to feel real. I will be a mother of two. Two beautiful, wonderful, and undeniably perfect children.
| Banner : @littledovie | littledovie.com |
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Gender Prediction Myths.
Is it true that there is no sure fire way of knowing the gender of your child without either getting testing or waiting the long haul for the ultrasound? Many mothers insist that they can tell based on a few old wives tales that have been passed down throughout history, although many seem to have nothing to do with a baby at all! Personally, I know that my mother is convinced she can tell by how high or low someone is carrying a baby. Is there any science to this? We shall see!
Sleeping Position
Well according to this wives tale you can guess the gender of your baby based on what side you sleep most on during your pregnancy. If you sleep mostly on your left you are having a boy, if you sleep on your right its a girl. The issue then arrises that it is the new recommendation to sleep on your left side while pregnant to avoid having the baby squish any vital organs or arteries that are supplying them with what the need. Personally, pregnancy and sleep don't mix well with me so I like to sleep in whatever way makes me comfortable which could be switching sides every 10 minutes! This pregnancy I have a pregnancy body pillow that helps a ton, and because of the shape of the pillow I sleep facing right. No science.
This predicts : GIRL
Morning Sickness
The rule of thumb is that if you are more sick you will be expecting a little lady rather than a little man. There seems to be a little more science behind this one, however of course I have heard of many woman being extremely sick with their little boys! There was a study that was conducted by the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Washington where they studied 2110 pregnant woman that were hospitalized for hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), and 9783 woman without HG. The study showed that woman who became severely ill did in fact have a 50% increase in the chance of having a girl. (Click for Source) Why this is? We have no clue, but unless you are hospitalized for morning sickness there is really probably no sure fire answer. However, with Carter I didn't experience a single day of feeling anywhere close to sick, this pregnancy I was sick as a dog for about 13 weeks.
This predicts : GIRL
Soft or Dry Hands
Easy. If your hands are soft expect a boy, if they go dry expect a girl. Why this makes no sense.. because I have never suffered dry hands in my lifetime. Unless they went dry for the very first time I will remain unconvinced this one holds any truth.
This predicts: BOY
Food Cravings
This one has ran deep in our history and this is probably what I get asked about most often. I would be interested to know if there is in fact science behind the theory itself however there's more science against the theory all together. If you are into sweets (sugars, fruits, candies) its a girl, if you crave more meats and salts it is a boy. With Carter all I ate (and this is everyday of his ENTIRE pregnancy) was deer sausage and deviled eggs. With this baby I couldn't look at meat or eggs if I wanted to, I have had to invest stock in fruit and learn to shop around my cravings, taking things that were once on my shopping list off in order to satisfy my deep deep desire for fruit. All day every day. The science here is that the body craves what it needs most to provide for the baby. If you are low on something it will crave it in order to get you back to a healthy place, why I need so much fruit, who knows?
This predicts: GIRL
The theory is "If you have an acne ridden face your little girl has stolen your beauty, if not its a little boy".. well.. I think I have a beautiful little boy so pish posh! However with Carters pregnancy I didn't get acne faced at all, this time I have.
This predicts: GIRL
Graceful or Clumsy
This is an interesting one.. I have no thoughts on how this could be accurate or not but this pregnancy I have fallen twice where as with Carter I never took a tumble. Maybe I was more cautious with him?
This predicts: BOY
Face Weight Gain
I think everyone is bound to gain a little in the cheeks with all this extra blood flow! I gained in the face the last 2 months of Carters pregnancy, which technically meant that I was having a little girl and he is all boy. I expect to gain in the face again towards the end however I have yet to gain any weight at all!
This predicts: BOY
Mood Swings
If you go by this theory, if you are one moody pregnant lady expect a little girl in your future. Now if you ask my husband (who thoroughly believed in this theory with every inch of his being) what he thought Carter was he would be quick to scream girl. I was SO moody and miserable that he was convinced on this myth alone that I MUST be having a girl. Extra estrogen.. extra moody? He has said many times over that this pregnancy has been a breeze (for him.. the one who isn't puking) because I have been so delightful and happy!
This predicts: BOY
High or Low
The idea is that if you carry high it is a girl, if its low it is a boy. Wouldn't this depend on body shape and current fitness status rather than the gender? Who knows. With carter I carried low, and sure enough he is a boy. This time around I am carrying much much higher.
This predicts: GIRL
Where is the Weight
It is said that if you carry the weight only in front it is a boy, and if it is all over than it is a girl. I gained so much with Carter (based on previous bad eating habits!) that I couldn't help but gain everywhere! This time I have yet to gain anything so I would assume that means that I am carrying in front?
This predicts: BOY
Toddler Advice
If your toddler shows interest in your growing belly expect a little girl, if not it must be a boy. Well.. Carter loves this belly and gives kisses and hugs all day long. He is now interested in his own belly and even sleeps with his finger in his belly button. I'm not sure that he could accurately predict the gender.
This predicts: GIRL
Chinese Calendar
A long long time ago people crated a calendar that could predict the gender of your baby with ease, lets face it they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. It takes your age and month of conception to decide on a boy or a girl. They were wrong with Carter! This time around it says again that I am having a girl, however.. for the entire year of being 21 (which is how old I was when the baby was conceived) the only month I could have conceived a boy is Januray. The rest of the year I would be bound to be having a girl according to the charts, this baby was conceived in February.
This predicts: GIRL
Heart Rate
This theory has plenty of science to deny its legitimacy, however it's still a fun one to think of. If the babies heart rate is over 140 beats per minute it is a girl, if it is under than it is a boy. This baby? The heart rate is exactly 140. The science that ruins it is simple, when you first conceive the heart rate is likely in the 170's and stays high until about 10 weeks when it starts to drop to the more comfortable 120-140 range where it will remain throughout the rest of the pregnancy. So naturally the heart rate will slow down so the accuracy of this theory is unknown.
This predicts: EITHER WAY
What AJ and I "Did" about Gender
We found a theory called the "Shettle's Method" created by a Dr. Shettle himself and decided it was worth a shot. The idea behind the theory is all based off of when you do the deed in comparison to when you ovulate (when your body releases the egg each month). According to Shettle's, Y chromosome bearing male sperm are quicker than X chromosome bearing female sperm BUT female sperm can outlive the male sperm by a few days. Theoretically if you do the deed within 3-5 days prior to your known ovulation date than by the time ovulation occurs many of the male sperm have died off giving you a greater change of conceiving a girl. Likewise, if you do the deed on the day of ovulation the male sperm who are much quicker are more likely to reach the egg first and win the race. While AJ and I truly don't "prefer" one gender other the other we decided to swing for a boy thinking that boys are simply what we know. We love raising boys. I would love to be a boy mom and have two boys close in age to be buddies!
This predicts: BOY
If we sit back and tally all the results we get boys at 6 and girls at 7.. so truly there is no edge one way or the other. This only makes things even more fun for us as we wait until birth to find out, and while I knew in my heart that Carter was a boy I can say that this time around the block I truly have no idea. The unknown is fun for us and this baby will truly be a surprise to us all.
We have created a facebook page in regards to Social Media tips and tricks and would be honored if you would like our page! Click on the link to our page HERE and like away, we will be hosting giveaways as well as teaching those who wish to learn about all the in's and out's of the social networking world and how to make it change your life! Happy Tuesday everyone!
| visit: facebook.com/dirtydiaperdiaries for more information |
Monday, June 8, 2015
Room Tours & Why Carter went to a Toddler Bed at 12 months!
After moving to Washington we decided to rent a beautiful yellow home with white window shutters, hard wood floors but carpet in the bedrooms and a yard worth bragging about, everything I have dreamed of! It was perfect, especially since we weren't sure exactly how long we would be here, considering we moved out here to follow my husbands job so there is always a chance we could up and move again! What we didn't think about is that our perfectly sized two bedroom could start to feel small after deciding to add a third member to our family. This weekend we were able to shop, move the rooms around and make our home feel large again!
Our Room:
White Bedside Table - Ikea
Down Comforter - Ikea
Grey Blanket + Matching pillow Shams - Ikea
Grey Throw Pillows - Target
Grey Sheets - Target
Einstein Bulb - Ikea
Shelf - Ikea
Baby Monitoring System - Motorola 7 in.
Oil Diffuser - Young Living
Sketched Family Portrait - @sketchedinmemories
(Unseen - Vintage Dresser, 21 in. TV for netflix!)
One important aspect of our room is where we will have the baby sleep, by switching rooms we lost loads of extra space but without a doubt we knew we wanted to keep baby in our room for those first few months of constant night nursing. After experimenting with seemingly every different kind of contraption in the world after Carter was born, we came across the rock - n - play and it worked like a charm. We got a new one for the new baby and snuck it in next to my side of the bed!
The last item that we HAD to have (in both our room and Carters room) was our ever so faithful Latchy Catchy! This tiny device attaches itself to your door knobs on either side of the door allowing you to push open the door without twisting the door knob and making noise that could potentially wake up your kiddos. We got one for Carters room when he was only a few months old and it has drastically changed our nighttime experience. Having the ability to go in and out of your children's bedrooms silently, rather than feeling the pressure not to check on them for the fear of waking them up, is more comforting than I can put into words.
The "Baby Corner"
Because we won't be finding out the gender until the baby is born we always try to stick to neutrals. The most frequently asked question when we tell people we are waiting is "How can you get anything ready without knowing??" Well.. this is how! I set up a nursery just for fun really, the baby will be with us in our room the first few months so if I truly desired loads of "gender specific colors" I could easily decorate after the baby decides to join us. If I am being honest, I am not a fan of using specific colors to associate gender in the first place! Something that hurt me after Carter was born was when we put him in red and went to the store, I was told that he needed more blue in order for people to recognize him as a boy otherwise they wouldn't feel comfortable congratulating me on my newborn.. what?? I shouldn't have to put my son in any color to be "adequate enough" for congratulations. Like wise I shouldn't have to put a little girl of mine in a bow every day for people to recognize her as a girl, if I decide to that should be just fine, if I decide against it I shouldn't feel like I am doing my child an injustice. Lets be honest here, babies look like babies. There simply is no sure fire way of knowing whether you are looking at a boy or a girl, asking what the person has had if you are unsure shouldn't come as a surprise or offend anyone. If I was ever asked, and I still am, whether Carter was a boy or a girl I answer with a smile. The person asking is not trying to ruin your day or say anything derogatory towards your little ones, be happy they have chosen to take an interest in them in the first place! After hearing this I knew that I would do my best to unassociate gender roles within our house hold as much as possible!
The "Carter Corner" and his Big Boy Bed!
Moving Carter from his crib is nothing new in his world. We decided to test the waters and get rid of his crib at 12 months and to our surprise, both AJ and I feel it is one of the better decisions we have made in the aspect of parenting thus far! Every time that he woke at night or during a nap he seemed to be immediately flustered and screamed for our attention, he was unable to wake up and put himself back to sleep and we had decided that letting him cry through this struggle was not what we wanted to do. We started by taking his crib mattress out of his crib and placing it on the floor during naps before cutting the crib cold turkey, and after it went so well we had the crib taken down within days!
Carter started sleeping in an Ikea extendable sized mattress (i.e. a mattress that can lengthen out to the size of a twin) on the floor from then on out! Like magic he would wake up, roll over and continue sleeping. Taking the bars away from around him brought him peace and made him feel less trapped! The floor bed was a great transitional tool as he learned to keep from falling out of bed without taking large falls. If he did fall from his bed he was all of maybe 2 inches off the floor and could pick himself up and fix himself easily. When we decided to change rooms this weekend we knew that he would be ready to make the transition into his "big boy bed" and just as we thought, he slept all night last night with ease!
If you are considering creating a floor mattress or switching your toddler to a toddler bed be sure to baby proof the room before doing anything, babies can get into so many things that we can't see that could be potentially dangerous to their curious selves. Get down on your hands and knees, at their eye level and crawl around the space and take note of everything that you see that you wish to make changes to. As an example I included the list of things that we did to baby proof Carters room before allowing him to roam around without our constant watch.
- cover all the open outlets, as an extra precaution (only if you are trained) turn the fuse off in the outlets to avoid any electricity reaching them at all
- purchase a tool that can keep your closet doors shut
- if you have any chemicals within reach remove them entirely from the room
- hook all furniture to the wall to keep if from falling on your children
- baby proof all dresser drawers
- take any toys with small pieces, and stuffed animals with plastic eyes out of the room and replace them with wooden toys and stuffed animals with sewn eyes
- invest in a high quality monitoring system, this was super important to us! If we were going to allow him free reign I wanted to be able to see what he was getting into at all times. We purchased a Motorola 7 inch monitor that allows us to see his entire room, speak to him, play music, see the temp, take photos and is NOT wifi capable. Getting a monitoring system that is NOT wifi capable will keep hackers out of hacking into your video feed and potentially talking to your children without you even knowing.
There is still so much more decorating to be had and work to be done but our start feels fresh and is making our pregnancy seem more and more real each and every day.
| @skethedinmemories | http://www.latchycatchy.com/ & @latchycatchy |
Friday, June 5, 2015
Tips and Tricks to get Noticed on Social Media.
Social media now days is not only an amazing tool that we can use to keep up with those that we love, but many people create a lifestyle as well as businesses around the idea of good exposure. Photographers use social media in order to connect with prospective clients, bloggers connect with business owners to create a two way relationship to aid both in exposure to new audiences, and YouTube stars have made entire careers based off of sharing bits and pieces of their lives. Many people have tried to sneak into the world of social media in one way or another but have found it difficult to make a solid foot print or be noticed right away, and that is only to be expected. The world of social media, while it may come of as simply posting whenever you feel motivated and snapping photos of food or your babies, it is extremely complex. With all of the sheer talent and so many professional "instagrammers" out there already you are left with no choice but to work hard at getting noticed! It is not as easy as posting just any photo anymore, if you intend to put serious time and effort into your page it should be treated as a business adventure!
1. Create a Target Audience, then Create a Theme.
If you look at instagram pages of those who have found great success you will see that they all have a "flow". There is more or less a theme to their photos, whether they are all cropped in a special manner, some focus on bold and bright colors or maybe soft neutrals, maybe they take photos of only nature and want to appeal to that audience while others like myself attempt to appeal to the mothers of the social media world. Create a target audience and a feel for your page. While you feel you may be narrowing yourself, you are in fact creating room for greater success. My page without a doubt appeals to the category of parenthood, those who follow pages geared towards exploration and travel may not seek excitement in my page as much as a mom-to-be will. If I had no target audience and/or no theme or feel I may confuse my audience and lose followers of all backgrounds simply because they are confused as to what my purpose is. The goal is not to appeal to everyone, but to appeal to those who share the same passions as you do!
2. Clear, bright, properly edited photos!!
I cannot stress enough that having bright beautiful photos is a must in order to grab anyones attention! If your photos are dull, blurry, dark or pixilated people won't see the message that you are trying to relay. Having a professional camera is an added plus, but not entirely necessary to the path of success. If you have proper editing apps on your phone it can be done just as easily! I have included a photo from one of my previous blogs and wish to show you just what went into that photo before it was posted. The same amount of effort goes into each and every photo that I post!
The photo that was taken with my camera alone was far from pretty:
The first step I always take in my editing process is to crop and rotate as needed, in this photo specifically I have a knob that I want cropped out and my body is almost crooked. By cropping and rotating we came up with this:
Next, up your exposure (i.e. brightness) almost more than you think you should, if you have the tools to edit your "white balance" this is the time to boost the whites in your photo. As you can see above, the whites in my photo are nearly grey, however I desire a clean white background. For the purpose of this blog post I have not edited my "white balance" as not everyone will be able to have access to that tool!
As you can see, while the brightness was boosted, the photo becomes slightly "washed out" this is due to the fact that adding the artificial brightness can hurt the contrast of the photo. Boost the contrast up to gain back the defined colors that belonged in the photo, this will also aid in the whites that are in the photo:
Our next step is truly a two step process, and one that can go very wrong if not handled properly! There is nothing as great as a clear sharp image, and on nearly every editing device (including the instagram editor itself) you have the ability to add sharpness to a photo. Something that you may not know is that the more "sharpness" you add to a photo the more "noise" it created. The higher the sharpness the higher the little pixilations will boost sometimes making your photo that you worked so hard on look poor after the long process you just endured by editing it! There is a way to obtain a clean image with a highly boosted sharpness, you have to combat the sharpness you just added with a softening tool or noise reduction tool. If you notice pixilations as you will see in my first photo below, add a little noise reducer and see that they vanish yet the image is still sharp and clear:
(adding sharpness, notice the fuzziness you see in my arms)
(after adding a softness/noise reduction)
After this point you are ready to post! While this process may have seemed difficult or time consuming, it took less than three minutes to finish and get posted to instagram. By taking these few minutes of my time I have been able to provide a much cleaner, more eye popping image that will receive more likes as well as more audience members to read my posts. Below is a before and after for you to view how important it can be to put in that little bit of added effort!
3. Participate and Remain Active
Followers who want to read your posts and stay involved in your life want you to interact with them! If they comment and ask you a question, there is nothing more insulting than ignoring them. Sometimes you may not see their comments at the time they are posted but it is important to go back through your photos often and see if there are any unanswered questions that you have yet to get to. They ask because they care, they want to know your recommendations and that is what we are here to accomplish as bloggers. If someone comments something super sweet, than thank them! Use this like you would with any conversation you would have face to face, if someone compliments your dress or asks where you purchased it while in public would you just ignore them? Absolutely not!
There is must more than simply gaining thousands of followers, but maintaining a relationship to the best of your abilities is necessary. I know that personally I wouldn't follow anyone who seemed that they could care less what is was I had to say to them. Give off a friendly vibe and let your followers know you appreciate that they take the time to keep up with you. Like all relationships this must be a 50/50 or you will see them start to disappear.
Something that I have noticed that followers enjoy is something they feel that they can participate in, little videos to get to know you where you answer their questions, blog posts that you want to feature them in, small games that you might host with the help of blogging peers. All of those keep people active as well as involved with your page! When I first started doing little activities like these, I believe that I maybe had 5 people who wanted to participate, however after time passed and I made them a regular attribution to my social media pages they grew into something that we all enjoy together!
4. Ways to Keep a Growing Audience
Don't view who unfollows you. Why? Because it truly doesn't matter! I have hundreds each and every day I am sure, but while I could easily get discouraged by that number it is important to realize that hundreds of your followers delete their instagrams each and every day. They probably didn't pick you out of a bunch and decide you weren't "interesting" enough for them, and then there are some who will! And again, this is okay! If they aren't interested in what you are posting then they are unlikely to be an active follower and theres no need to force them to stick around if they don't want to in the first place.
I do everything in my power to keep my opinions on hot topics out of my social media, because we are all human and we all disagree on the paths of life! Something that will help you from losing multitudes of followers is realizing that you are posting to a WIDE variety of men and woman who all think differently, and no one is right.. therefor no one is wrong. I would never in a million years post how I feel about something such as abortion or marijuana use during pregnancy. Why? Because those opinions are personal to myself, as well as those who are following me. My goal is never to make my followers feel uncomfortable or unwelcome by posts that I make, and knowing that in real life I would never judge or say hurtful things to those whose ideas differ from mine is carried over to my social media outlets. You will never be able to avoid all controversies, I have posted photos of myself feeding Carter a popsicle and had people tell me that I am sugaring him up too much, but while that may get some angry try approaching the situation with grace! Saying thank you for the information is always appropriate, then it is left up to you to decide as a parent what you will do from there. Most of the time people will say things such as this only because they care!
Participate in giveaways, mommy circles, follow fridays.. all of these are wonderful tools in gaining followers! If you are wanting to expand your page connect with those around you who share the same audience and interest as you will grow your followers as well as help you create life long friendships! It is important to try to stick to collaborating with people who have the same audience as yourself to avoid an unfollowing spree. If you do and "shout outs" or follow fridays with people who may not have hardly any people specific to your audience (such as my audience of mothers) you may see all of the people you gained slowly start to face away once they lose interest in your posts.
(photo of a previous giveaway featuring @SnapBibs )
Hashtag your little heart away! During my pregnancy I use common hashtags such as #pregnant #pregnancy #18weeks and so forth because people viewing those hashtags are likely in the same situation that I am in and will enjoy seeing my feed after finding my through the hashtag! If you are a twin mom don't be afraid to hashtag your photos #twinmom, similarly if you have two kids under two a great hashtag would be #2under2. Draw people in using all of your resources!
(example of the most used/liked hashtags on Instagram)
No one likes drama... this is self explanatory. While connecting with so many woman is bound to bring up loads of estrogen, if you wish to grow and treat your page as a business adventure then act in a professional manner always. Bar none!
Do not be afraid to reach out to brands that you love and respect to collaborate a review or a giveaway. Small businesses love bloggers, they are a great way to get their product out there in the eyes of the public and gain more clients. Don't hesitate to reach out and see if someone is interested in a collaboration, because chances are they would love to in one way or another. And guess what? The worst things that could happen to you is that they say no! By collaborating on reviews and helping these wonderful small businesses they are likely to tell their clientele to come and view your review and through that you not only were able to grab some amazing hand made goodies but grow your audience as well. A collaborative relationship is a beautiful one, however you absolutely must, without a doubt keep up your end of the deal. If they take the time to send you a product you MUST take the time to write a thoughtful review. If you fail to keep up your end of the deal, word travels fast and people will share that you were unfaithful to your relationship and you will find yourself unable to collaborate again.
(photo of previous collaboration featuring +ReSqueeze LLC )
I hope that you were able to take out some insight from our post, and seek ways in which you can improve upon your pages and take the world of social media to a whole new level! Using it to your advantage can change your lives in ways you could have never imagine. We will soon be offering social media courses for those wishing to grow their pages that will include all of the above and more! Overall, enjoy yourself, enjoy what you do, and enjoy what you post!
| email us at tdddiaries@gmail.com to find out more on our social media courses |
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