31 Week 3D Ultrasound | Dirty Diaper Diaries

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

31 Week 3D Ultrasound

Safe to say that this little one loves hugging that placenta. Our supposed to be one hour appointment quickly turned into 2 with a shy baby making it terribly difficult to get any sorts of measurements! But hey that's okay, we will see him or her again here in about a month.

Good news is that even with GD (gestational diabetes) we don't have an abnormally large child, but one that is definitely on the "larger" side which we expected because of how large Carter was and still is. Carter was 9 pounds 2 ounces at birth and has been >75% in height, >90% in weight and at 99% head circumference his whole life! Can't say that I don't enjoy my chunky boy! This little one is growing beautifully and has such a sweet personality all their own. We fall more in love with each passing day.

We are measuring right on track with our due date, making us 31 weeks. And the little one is measuring in at just under 4 pounds, hence the beautiful chunky cheeks!

3D ultrasound 31 weeks
As smooshed as can be into the side of that placenta!

3D ultrasound 31 weeks
Baby had a funny obsession with playing with his/her ears! Above is a hand and an ear.

3D ultrasound 31 weeks
The sweetest tiny smirk

3D ultrasound 31 weeks
Looking perfectly like a little Paslay with that nose and those big cheeks!

We are 9 weeks out from hitting our due date, however if history repeats itself we could be looking at 11 weeks before we get to meet your sweet self. Beyond all else, know that you are so loved and eagerly awaited by the biggest loving family. We cannot wait for your arrival to help make our family more complete. Our hearts are whole today.


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