Welcome to the chronicles of the sleeping pregnant woman. Sleeping while growing a human, while being large, while unable to get comfortable all while having to pee is an art. A fine art. But no matter the circumstance, sleep must go on! If you have never had a child before, read and study up on the many positions you are bound to find yourself in during your child's nine month stay. If you have had little one's bless your life than laugh along with me and my 30 week pregnant self as we reminisce on the days of pregnant sleep!
My first pregnancy I created a small pillow fort every night and each time I woke up I had to get my husband to help me move and remake the fort.. every.. single.. time. So with no hesitation I purchased my first "pregnancy pillow" this time around and I cannot tell you this enough, get one. Every time I crawl into bed I wrap myself up in this pregnancy cloud and within minutes I can fall asleep. I love this pillow. A lot.
No matter how much I love this pillow, every night I also curse it's existence. In one way or another it gets uncomfortable and I get frustrated and push it as far away as humanly possible, and may slur a few tired choice words in it's direction. But not to worry, within an hour I am begging for it's forgiveness and we make up and I realize how stupid I was for thinking so poorly of it.
Stomach sleepers unite! And also feel free to cry for a moment, going from being a stomach sleeper to being unable to remotely sleep on your stomach at all is a hard transition. The very best you can do is create this super awkward knee by your face - using your arm as support - trying not to squish the baby position that isn't really comfortable at all. I can typically get away with stomach sleeping until about 15 weeks along before it starts to bother me more than anything. Not to worry, the days of stomach sleeping will come back to you!
There's no escape. As pregnancy progresses you will become more and more familiar with the way your bathroom looks pitch black in the middle of the night. At this point we are up every 2-3 hours and that is pushin' it. By the end of pregnancy with my first I was up every 1-1.5 hours just to pee, and you think you have a whole lot stored up and wind up peeing for maybe a few seconds. I feel like this is our bodies way of preparing us for waking up every few hours to feed that newborn we've been working so hard on!
It's always too hot. Mid winter, windows open, fan going and possibly even snow falling and some how you are a heater not only to yourself but your husband who is grossed out sleeping next to your sweaty self. Being pregnant I have always been hotter than I am unpregnant, and I am sure there is science behind why this occurs, but none the less I end up basically naked each night trying desperately to cool myself off!
And as soon as you thought that you couldn't possibly get ANY hotter.. you wake up frozen and need all of your clothes back on, maybe a pair of socks, some mittens, a winter jacket and all of your blankets. But as soon as you grab all of these items and snuggle back in you start right back on the fast track to overheating. There is no middle ground..
If this isn't your first, be prepared to learn how to sleep effectively with a child and a belly all at once. If you have toddlers accept the fact that they don't want to sleep next to you, the have to sleep on top of you and their growing sibling which is a great start to sibling rivalry as your unborn child kicks back in frustration. My best advice? Learn to tune out those nighttime kicks quickly and prepare to sweat even more alongside your toddler!
That wonderful pregnancy blessing of a pillow we talked about.. it doesn't just belong to you. It also belongs to your toddler! More often than not I wake up having switched sides with my son as he reaps the benefits of the pillow all for himself. But what can you do, you love them far too much to say anything and chances are you are way too tired to attempt to wake them up just to get the pillow back. So I will share.
Sleep is hard during pregnancy. The first trimester your sick, the last trimester you're large and in charge and in between you find yourself with second trimester insomnia. Pshhhhh, we aren't sleeping! But that's okay. Because no amount of sleep is more important to me than my growing family. Pains, discomforts and all I bet you will laugh it all off once your little blessing it here. No matter how many times during my first pregnancy I swore that I would never do this again, here I am! I would do it all over yet again too. So as uncomfortable as we all may be lets laugh it off (and take 20 minute snoozes on the couch during the day to keep us sane). This too shall pass!
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